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Friday, December 5, 2014

Good news!

The mold for the gauss rifle is almost complete! I should have a cast of it to show you guys tomorrow! Here is a picture of the mold:
In other news, starting Monday of next week I am excited to announce that we will have a more regular posting schedule at "Mechwarrior/Battletech models inc." 
Here is the schedule; a new post will be added Every Monday and Friday, the Monday scheduled post will be at 10:30 pm, Mountain time zone (UTC-07:00) (a little late I know) and the Friday post also will be at the same time. 

That is all for today's update, and I ask that you haven't already please subscribe on Google+ (Uplink contact under sub tab "Spread the word!") for more  Battlemech model goodness! 
See you guys soon. 

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