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Friday, December 5, 2014

Duel Gauss rifles!

Hello again, this is the last update to my blog until Monday December the eighth, after which the blog will be updated twice a week on Mondays and Fridays, at 10:30 PM mountain time.

As promised I got the gauss rifles for the warhammer completed today (almost)

These aren't my first try to make a resin cast of the master copy, the other one turned out awful, didn't get the 2 part resin mixture right. Anyways, the second attempt went much better.
The first gauss rifle has a major air bubble in the surface, so I have drilled four holes inside of the whole to insert metal tubing, kinda like rebar. This is because I am not sure wether or not that the putty I am using would be strong enough to fill the whole by itself.
Here is a picture of it: (Please excuse the bad picture quality, camera won't take good  pictures of white material)
And a side view of both gauss rifles, as you can tell they need a lot of cleanup work to be suitable.
All in all the casting process went better than what was expected especially with my novice amount of casting knowledge. 

Tip of the post: I can't stress this enough how important it is to get the mixture of resin correct if using a two part mixture like I am! Too much of part A, (accelerator) and the resin won't dry properly,  and Too much of part B will make the part to weak to use. 

Also if you enjoyed the content of this blog so far, I ask that you support the blog by recommending it on google+. If you would like further updates delivered to you via email, there is a button near the top of the page. Thank you guys, and see you soon, on Monday the 8th. 

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