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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Mech Exchange!

Hey all, in January their was a CBT mech exchange on a forum I'm on, and got the rare priviledge to work with 'Phlop' of Camospecs.
He painted up a very sharp looking 2nd Benjamin Regulars Sunder and was kind enough to give me the names of the paints he used. 
(One of these days I oughtta through together a short tutorial to show how he painted the mini up... Soon TM.
In turn I painted up a Clan Ghost Bear Alpha Galaxy Vulture, below are pics of both minis. 
(Please excuse the sheer crappyness of the picture I took of the Vulture.) 

Overall their is much too learn from The members of Camospecs, 
Anyways, that is all for now, 
See you guys real soon and stay safe out there. 

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